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Synop for Tunisia (17/05/2024 00:15 UTC):
Tempo Presente
Present Weather
Beja 17.2 ° 67%
Bizerte 3/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 17.6 ° SW (230°) 3 kt 88% 12 km
Djerba Mellita cirrus (dense, with sproua… 21.5 ° E (100°) 13 kt 75% 8 km
El Borma 33.8 ° W (270°) 15 kt 24%
Gabes 22.2 ° E (90°) 5 kt 90%
Gafsa 26.9 ° S (180°) 6 kt 47% 6 km
Jendouba 3/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 19.0 ° NNW (340°) 8 kt 60% 8 km
Kairouan cirrus (dense, with sproua… 22.0 ° E (90°) 2 kt 54% 10 km
Kebili 23.6 ° NE (40°) 13 kt 68%
Kelibia cirrus (dense, with sproua… 19.1 ° WNW (300°) 5 kt 88% 10 km
Medenine 24.7 ° NNE (30°) 5 kt 70%
Monastir-Skanes 21.0 ° E (80°) 8 kt 72% 8 km
Nabeul 19.5 ° 12 kt 72%
Remada 33.0 ° WNW (300°) 7 kt 20%
Sfax El-Maou 2/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 23.2 ° NE (50°) 10 kt 63% 7 km
Sidi Bouzid 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 23.0 ° ESE (110°) 10 kt 64% 10 km
Siliana 19.8 ° N (360°) 6 kt 52%
Tabarka 5/8 cumulus with stratocua… 17.1 ° WSW (240°) 2 kt 83% 10 km
Thala cirrus (dense, with sproua… 16.7 ° NW (320°) 2 kt 64% 9 km
Tozeur 5/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.5 ° E (100°) 15 kt 46% 5000 m
Tunis-Carthage 1/8 or less but not 0/8 ca… 19.5 ° NW (310°) 7 kt 72% 10 km


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